My Quantum Journey - The Complete Journey
Step 1
Establish how the Journey will look like
Book a the initial session, in which we will connect with your Team in Spirit and dowse on what layers need bringing to consciousness to get to the core of the issue brought forward.
The session will happen via Zoom call and will last about 1 hour.
I will prepare Sacred Space beforehand, making sure there are not exernal lower energies interfering, then upon connection, I will ask you to share your intention.
Your Higher Self will guide us in laying out a sort of plan in which emotional, mental, physical, energetic and/or Soul levels hindrances will be revealed, how many to tackle each session and in what order.
Step 2
Should you choose to take the Quantum Journey with me
I will design the payment plan in accordance to the sessions needed and your choice of payment and we will agree on a date to book our first session and I will send you the booking.
Integration time between sessions is disclosed by Higher Self at the end of each session, the following session will be booked accordingly to integration time.
What happens before each session
About 20-30 minutes before connecting with you in session, I will prepare the common energetic space by appropriately clearing, balancing and shielding it.
I will ask for permission to work with your Higher Self and your Guides.
I will check if you have any negative lower energetic attachments to your field (in the event you do, we will address the removal first and foremost as soon as we connect).
Finally, I will check if your Higher Self and Spirit Team is in need of an energetic Upgrade, in the event they do, I will ask Source to apply the upgrade.
The above steps are paramount to make sure there will be not interference during the session and that all the information we receive are accurate.
What happens during each session
We connect via Zoom and start with a short meditation to align our energy fields, then proceed in opening the space to your Team in Spirit (your Higher Self and your Guides), those collective most suitable to the pre-agreed plan for the day.
According to the task ahead, we will first identify if we will be working with your Higher Self or your Guides, then proceed in bringing to consciousness more layers of what is in the plan and finally transmuting them.
If a Guide shows up, we will have an opportunity to read their energy signature and get guidance from them.
Depending on the type of hyndrance, we will be using different types of tecniques to transmute them, some of them will require your active partecipation, others passive receiving energetic transmissions, this can happen spontaneously sometimes as we uncover information and it can also be given directly by your Higher Self.
Other times the Guides will bring to consciousness gifts skills or talents that needed re-remembered and you will receive an energetic download of these.
I use a mix of dowsing, charting, channeling for this session.
I go into a state of conscious channeling; I will be present with you translating the energies, but sometimes the Guides will take over and talk directly to you.
The energy transmissions are in the form of spontaneous guided meditations, channeled by the Guides directly, unless is the Higher Self who does the healing.
You will have a chance to ask questions anytime throughout the session.
The Guides who step forward can be your personal guides as part of your Team in Spirit, or Highly Vibrational Beings who's energetic signatures and octaves of vibration are able to release the blockages that they are bringing to consciousness.
Sometimes a Guide takes the actual shape of the blockage.
They also will give instructions and technique for you to follow in the days after the session, to help you integrate the energies with ease and to stimulate you in taking responsibility of your own healing.
Each session flows where your team in Spirit take us..
As we progress with the plan, each session is very different. The sessions can bring about any of the following:​​
Emotional and mental body inner work.
Soul fragmentation healing.
Past lives or forgotten memories revisitation.
Inner Child healing.
Shadow work.
Opening of the Heart.
Practice of Self-forgiveness.
Chakra balancing.
Ancestral Timelines Clearing.
Ancestral Gifts brought back on line.
Dna Upgrade.
Merkaba reactivation and harmonising.
Alien tecnology removal.
Embody your Soul Mission.
So much more..
How to prepare
Steps to prepare for the session beforehand are given in the booking e-mail. Make sure you read and accept the disclaimer and the terms and conditions before making a payment, they are found at the bottom of the payment page.
What do you get from the Quantum Journey
Personal energy field check-up and eventual removal from any external negative attachments/lower energies during session.
Team in Spirit upgrade (if needed).
Average 60-minutes sessions which includes:
Establishing connection with your Team in Spirit.
Revealing and transmuting immediate blocks to do with your intention.
Energy transmissions by your Guides, tailor-made to your needs.
Receiving clear instructions/practices how to move forward.
Audio record of the session (if requested).
After care e-mail.
Next day message from me to check in and make sure you are integrating well.
Opportunity to ask questions anytime throughout the session.
Opportunity to receive clear instructions/practices on how to connect with your Guides on your own.
Follow instruction to prepare for the session.
Follow the practices given, during your integration period.
Desire and committment to do inner work.
What to expect the days after a session
Integration period
In this video there is an example of how an integration period can look like.
Please bare in mind, in this particular instance, we worked uniquely with the mental and emotional body.