Work with Me
Journey with me towards who you came to be!
Whether you choose a Quantum Journey tool or a nutrition tool, my promise is to empower you with knowledge and strategies to move forward with joy in your heart and vitality in you body, in this wonderful experience we call life.
Quantum Journey Tools
Quantum Journey with your Team in Spirit
(One-off session or the whole Journey)
~Spirit Guides Meetings & Energy Transmissions~
Meet your Team in Spirit to guide you into uncovering any blocks: mental, emotional, spiritual or at a Soul level, then transmute them into gifts and talent to help you move forward with your goals and desires.
Quantum Journey with the Dragons (One-off session or the whole Journey)
~Dragon Guides Meetings & Energy Transmissions~
If you resonate with Dragons, suspect or know that you have an energetic Dragon in your field and want to know more about this connection, or are already sensing your Dragon Guides and want to deeper the connection, then we will set space uniquely for them to introduce themselves, reveal their function in your life and take the lead in session, bringing to light and transmuting those blocks that are holding you back, into fuel to reveal your true nature of divine creator.
Quantum Journey through Oracle Divination
~Spirit Guides and/or Dragons Oracle Cards Readings~
Three oracle cards reading, to get a sense of what you have achieved so far, your current energies and what's next in your journey.
Crystal Angels by Doreen Virtue
Angel Answers by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Keepers of the Light by Kyle Gray
Angels Prayers by Kyle Gray
Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
Diving with the Dragons by Araya AnRa.
Quantum Journey into Morpheus' Arms
~Dreams Interpretations~
Have you had a peculiar dream full of symbolism? Do you have a recurrent dream that you cannot make sense of, but feel it has a deep meaning? Your Team in Spirit (your Higher Self and your personal Guides) looking forward to bring clarity on what your Subconscious mind is communicating.
Quantum Journey with your Gut Microbiome Collective
~Gut Microbiome Interaction~
Meet your gut Microbiome, the good bacteria colonies in your gastrointestinal tract responsible for optimal absorption of nutrients, keeping your immune system in shape and so much more! Interact with them about your symptoms, gather information on how best you can support them to achieve perfect balance and health.
My Quantum Journey,
step into your true potential
Nutrition Tools
~Nutrition and Lifestyle meet Hypnotherapy and Mindset~
Two holistic weightloss programs designed to guide and motivate you to let go of extra weight, physical, mental and emotional. A collaboration between me as a nutritionist and a brilliant Hypnotherapist, a dear friend and colleague of mine.
We joint forces because we both believe in the holistic approach and in empowering you in taking responsibility for your inner healing.
Reading the Labels Interactive Masterclass
Food labelling regulations are complex, making it harder for consumers to understand them; this class is aimed to give you clarity on how to read food labels, navigate ingredient lists and nutritional info on packaging and ultimately make healthier choices.
I believe knowledge is your superpower as a consumer, you are the one who leads the market trend.